Future electronic systems will continue to rely on, and increasingly benefit from, the advances in semiconductor technology as they have had for more than five decades. Since its inception, the semiconductor industry has used a physical dimension (minimum gate length of a transistor) as a means to gauge continuous technology advancement. This metric is all but obsolete today. Density is what drives the benefits of new device technologies for computation – the primary application driver for semiconductors. Going forward, we will use a three-prong metric that consists of logic density (DL), memory bit density (DM), and interconnect density between logic and memory (DC) as a means to capture how advances in semiconductor device technologies enable system level benefits. Because DL and DM will increase at a slower rate than the historical trends, technologies that address the connectivity will become primary drivers for technology advancement. This trend is already visible in HPC products that progressively leverage more capable packaging technologies including 3D chip stacking. Indeed, vertical interconnect density associated with advanced packaging featured about three orders of magnitude improvement in the last decade alone. Scaling vertical interconnect pitch to sub-100 nm would enable another four orders of magnitude improvement. As such, there is plenty of room for system-level advances based on 3D ICs. The distinction between on-die connectivity (vias and on-chip interconnect wires) and off-chip connectivity (e.g. TSVs and micro-bumps) will become increasingly blurred. Wafer-level monolithic integration technologies and packaging technologies will smoothly blend into one another. New design tools that optimally perform system partitioning will become indispensable.
Invited Talks
Jul 20 - 24, 2020
Student Contests
Sep 10, 2019 – Jun 15, 2020
TSMC Technology @ 2020 VLSI
TSMC @ Conferences
Jun 14 - 19, 2020
TSMC Technology @ 2020 ECTC
TSMC @ Conferences
Jun 3 - 30, 2020
2020 IEEE 70th Electronic Components and Technology Conference
Packaging technology used to play mainly a protection role in the supply chain for IC, which follows the path of Moore’s Law with system-on-chip. When chip scaling becomes more challenging and, at the same time, we want to integrate more functions such as memory, sensors and passives, etc. for new applications such as AI and 5G, etc, innovative heterogeneous integration technologies are proposed for system-on-package to provide critical PPA values of the micro-systems. We are making far-reaching changes, which initiate an exciting new semiconductor era and create a new industry landscape.
Invited Talks
Jun 3 - 30, 2020
Applications of 2D material atomic membranes from crumpled electronics to nanopore sensors
Seminars @ TSMC
May 20 2020
Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (p-MTJ) with Above 500% TMR: MgO and Beyond
Seminars @ TSMC
Apr 29 2020
The fourth Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM) conference
Internet of things and artificial intelligence demand further performance improvements in integrated circuit systems. One ongoing effort is to continue the transistor scaling with either new device architectures or adopting new materials with superior gate controllability. Another attractive approach is to construct three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) with monolithic integration; for example, adding sensor functionalities, or constructing upper-layer logic circuits or memory devices on CMOS Si wafers. The research on materials and processes compatible with the backend-of-line (BOEL) fabrication temperature (< 400 oC), is urgently needed. In this presentation, I like to discuss on few potential components useful for achieving monolithic 3D ICs including 2D layered materials such as transition metal dichalcogenide based semiconductors, hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) insulators, and 1D semiconducting carbon nanotubes. The proof-of-concept monolithic integration of carbon nanotube transistors on our 28 nm CMOS technology wafers has also been demonstrated.
Invited Talks
Apr 6 - 21, 2020
Low Temperature Deposition of Crystalline AlN for Heat Spreader, RF, or Heterointegration
Seminars @ TSMC
Mar 25 2020
Heterogeneous Integration of Ge/III-V MOS Devices on Si Utilizing Direct Wafer Bonding
Seminars @ TSMC
Mar 04 2020
Interfacial Engineering of Phase Change Memory
Seminars @ TSMC
Feb 05 2020
An In2Se3-based Ferroelectric Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor for Logic-in-Memory Application
Seminars @ TSMC
Dec 18 2019
Nanostructured Materials and Devices: Innovations for Electronic, Photonic, and Biomedical Applications
Seminars @ TSMC
Dec 17 2019
TSMC Technology @ 2019 IEDM
TSMC @ Conferences
Dec. 9, 2019
Doped Aluminum Nitride Ferroelectric Memories
Seminars @ TSMC
Nov 27 2019
Compute-in-Memory with RRAM Technology: Challenges and Prospects
Seminars @ TSMC
Nov 20 2019
Abundant Data Computing NanoSystems: The N3XT 1,000X
Seminars @ TSMC
Oct 23 2019
The 5th International Conference on 2D Materials and Technologies (ICON-2DMAT 2019)
The gate controllability becomes weaker when a conventional silicon field-effect transistor (FET) shrinks in lateral dimension owing to source-drain tunneling. Hence the transistor body thickness needs to be reduced to ensure efficient electrostatic control. New materials with perfect surfaces are therefore needed and 2D semiconducting materials offer a chance to continue the scaling. In this presentation, we present an analysis on the foreseeable challenges including 2D materials selection, achieving high mobility, formation of high-k gate metal stacks, source/drain metal-2D contact, and large-area or scalable growth of 2D layered materials for devices applications. Possible approaches to address the above mentioned issues shall be presented. Recent progresses of the efforts moving towards electronics based on 2D materials will be discussed.
Invited Talks
Oct 21 - 24, 2019
Title Magnetic tunnel junctions with bulk PMA and bidirectional switching by voltage-controlled exchange coupling (VCEC)
Seminars @ TSMC
Oct 16 2019
Reinventing thin-film growth: Single crystal growth on amorphous substrates at 200C